Bridgewater South

4159 days ago

Bridgwater South – Even the Lib Dem candidate could not bring herself to vote Lib Dem

Can this be true? A result has just popped up on the website of Somerset County Council for the Bridgewater South seat. The Tory got 580 votes. Labour 974 to hold onto the seat while Lib Dem Judith Kendall appears to have received precisely 0 votes. And so, the county that produced Paddy Pantsdown and also that other fine upstanding expenses fiddler David Laws, sees a contest where not even the candidate herself can bring herself to vote for someone representing Nick Clegg’s party.

Meanwhile up in South Shields the Official Monster Raving Loony Party came within 100 votes of defeating the Unofficial Monster Raving Loonies – the Lib Dems recording the worst by-election result by a mainstream party since 1948.

It does not look good for the Lib Dems.
